Saturday, January 24, 2015

Second Unsent Letter to my Parents: He Didn't Steal Me From You

Dear Dad and Mother,

My husband did not steal me from you. Even if I never speak to you again, he still did not steal me from you. I am not your property. You cannot, do not, and never did own me. It makes me angry that you claim he stole me from you. It feels to me that you don't care whether I'm happy or not. You only care whether you are happy and if your reputation is still intact. Plus, the reason I don't contact you and haven't been to see you in over a year has nothing to do with my husband or even anything I am trying to hide from you. I'm an adult and I am in control of my life. Honestly, I am way beyond trying to keep secrets. I doubt that you are, since all of my growing up years were shrouded in secrets. I don't care enough about your religion and your beliefs to even try to keep secrets. I am who I am and I am happy with who I am. The reason I don't contact you has to do with you. Has to do with everything you have put me through. Has to do with me trying to cope with my childhood and trying to finally be happy. Has to do with the fact that every time I talk to you I remember the amount of pain you have put me through and how much you have controlled my life. I want to be free of you and that's why I don't contact you.

Dear Dad and Mother, do you even have an idea the dreams you crushed? Do you know how many times I cry at night for those broken dreams? My dreams weren't to be an evil person, but that's always how it felt. My dreams were beautiful and they kept me going through endless boredom. And then one day you crushed them all. There were so many months that I didn't want to live anymore. I had no way out. I was trapped there in a hell made by those who said they loved me most of all. How could you do that to such a you and tender girl? How can you take such a beautiful young life and just crush it? I know it seemed like a small thing for you, but it still tears me up six years later. It broke my heart. It changed me for life. It ruined dreams. I wish I could tell you all of this. I wish you could understand the amount of pain you have put me in.

Another Invisible Daughter

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