Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Just an Embarrassing Story

My guess is that it is actually fairly easy to hack many Fundamentalist families accounts. Why? Because probably most of them have something to do with Jesus or the Kingdom of God or something along those lines. My Dad definitely did that. I think all of his passwords had something to do with his religion. If it was not Jesus, he would put it in Hebrew: Yeshua. So very creative and secure... (sarcasm dripping)

When I moved off to college, it was finally my chance to distance myself from all the craziness. I wanted to start to heal and I wanted to start to learning to be normal. I finally did not have someone watching my every move. I could actually have friends. I could actually do what I wanted (for the most part, except for the guilt that kept me from doing most things). My parents helped me move to college and helped me set up my first apartment. My wonderful Dad even set up my wifi router and password secured it. You guessed it. My password was "JesusisLord." I did not think much of it and anyway I was not near computer literate enough to figure out how to change it.

I quickly made non-Christian friends. One of those friends was a tall, handsome atheist. We hit it off wonderfully and started seeing each other every day. Our group of friends would hang out at all the apartments. One day we decided to hang out at my apartment. That boy needed to connect to the internet so he asked for my password. You can imagine the giggles as I tried to explain why such a normal girl with so many atheist friends had such a strange password. It was embarrassing and it still embarresses me this day. I don't know if that password was the start of the demise of my relationship with that guy or not, but not too long afterwards he started getting really distant. I will never know what happened with him since he pretty much just ran from me without explanation. I haven't talked to him in years. I will probably never get the answers to why he ran from me. He probably figured out pretty quickly that I was just too much crazy to handle.

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